Walking Pneumonia has officially struck us all. Yes, all 4 of us ranging in age from 34 to 5 are all on the exact same medication, and all stranded at home. I attempted, after 3 days on antibiotics, to escape back to work in the city today. Well, I only made it 5 hours and headed back south on the train. Too tired, winded, exhausted - all of it. I really tried to battle it out. The thought of being home with 3 other 'sicklies' wasn't very exciting. I was going to will my way back to work and normality. My body was thinking something else.
Yesterday I felt pretty good, today much worse. Why - I'm not sure. Many people have told me how long it will take us to get over this condition - since it really does weaken our immune system. But you know me....I'll bounce back quickly....so I thought. Monday when I sat down with my new doctor, he told me - Take care of yourself and Stop Being a Hero. But wait, isn't that what my job is?
In light of upcoming Mother's Day weekend, I'm pretty sure I could walk into Walgreen's and read many cards that thank our moms for being our Hero...you know, even when we're sick, we still doing EVERYTHING ELSE. Work, clean the house, make dinner, coach T-Ball, give baths....and selfishly get in a few miles for mom's sanity. All of that is what WE DO. Mom's don't take time off for themselves. I take my kids to the doctor multiple times a year, to a variety of specialists. But for me, it takes me 7 years to find a new family practice doctor. So, yeah doc, I get it. Stop Being a Hero.
Just last night my husband reminisced about life BC...you know, Before Children. When we were sick, we'd just lay around and sleep....and watch movies....and relax. Actually, not be heroes, but just recover. Why did that go away? Somehow taking care of ourselves has become the last thing on the priority list. If I have learned anything in the last 9+ days of being ill....it's that I'm going to do less of Being a Hero....and a little more of taking care of mama and enjoying the moment :)
So, today, I tried to go back to work. A couple hours after I had been at work, I called Chris to check if he had gotten the twins into the doctor yet that morning. And well, he had. The story that unfolded, guilt-fully, made me smile. You know, you giggle to yourself that your husband has tackled a real life daily crazy disaster, and somehow - they all survived. Well, long story short - on the way to the doctor's office, my son's asthma and coughing spells were getting the best of him....and guess what - he coughed ---> then choked ----> then puked. Yep, after 15 minutes of driving, it happened about two blocks from the doctor's office, with our car looking something like this I'm sure:
He even told me our daughter chimed in quickly to try and elevate her status, exclaiming with pride - "Daddy, I don't puke in cars when I'm sick!".... Yeah, she's a classy big sister.
Luckily, the nurses quickly helped him clean our son up....and the doctor diagnosed them and quickly sent them on their way. He then made it home and spent the next few hours scrubbing puke....from inside the seat back driver's pocket, the window switches, the carseats - everywhere. When I called him to just say 'how did the doctor appointment go'....and he sprung this little story on me.... I had to smile. Did I let him know I was smiling - heck no!
Not because I was glad or happy my son was sick, but really glad my husband not only got to experience this fun that seems like I ONLY get to experience, but also that he survived - and quite well. He didn't seem upset....He didn't explode. He really just took it well and handled it....maybe better than I would of. Do I feel guilty about not being there? Nope. Because you know what, it's good for him.
I've said this about my work travel too. Once a year I have a mandatory work trip where I leave town for 5-7 days each year. And you know what - he is there alone, managing the house alone for one week each year. And -it's good for him. He bonds more with them as they're not hanging over me. He gets to see what I go thru....and It's really good for him. Many dads don't get the fun of what happened today or what he gets to experience when I travel. It's good for him....and you know what, it's really good for the kids. Kids need more good times like this with their dads.
So for the next few days, we'll all 4 continue to be stranded at home. No work for us...no school for the kids. More stories like this may pop up.... and that's good. How often does a family get to be stranded alone without a thousand things to do.....but just gets to nap together, and catch up on our latest Disney movies, after a great game of Go Fish? I'm not saying I enjoy being sick and worn down, but I couldn't pick better company to enjoy it with.
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