Thursday, April 28, 2011
Sleep or Royalty?

What...Free Cookbook?!?
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Suds and Science...Moon Hoaxes - OH MY!
Well, something came along that peaked our interest. Last month I saw as article in an H-F Patch Facebook Post about a new Science Pub. This concept of Science Pubs is currently sweeping the nation. A recent USA Today article by Tracy Loew references how:
So guess what... a local professor stumbled across this concept, and Voila...made it happen! Tonight was the second Science Pub and it was a hit. They alternate each month between two local favorites - Grady's Grille in Homewood and the Flossmoor Station Brewery. Last month's topic was on climate change. Tonight's topic was very intriguing for people - "Was the moon landing a hoax?".Across the country, thousands of people are gathering for monthly science pubs such as this one — informal lectures combined with food and drink that cover everything from the physics of flight to fire ecology to crime forensics. They're part of a loosely coordinated global "science cafe" movement that's been around for a couple of decades but has surged in the past year.
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http://homewood-flossmoorsciencepub.blogspot.com/ |
Slight Panic: Dead Ahead
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Another Birthday Here and Gone....
I know many people really struggle with birthdays. I have a good friend who put herself in the hospital with HIVES when she turned 25! Most of you may be sighing at the thought that 25 may be
Monday, April 25, 2011
Children and their 'Filters'....Yes, they don't always work!
But well - sometimes she can't resist. Sometimes something so amazing/crazy/captivating is happening before he very eyes, that she really CAN'T hold it in any longer....and then ---- she says IT. What is IT? - well, it's the most inappropriate comment you could ever imagine. IT is the comment that makes all parties stop, turn, gasp - heck, even the buzzing of the flourescent lights above ceases to make noise and the birds in the air stop flapping their wings. IT is the worst thing a parent could imagine - as their child is old enough and SHOULD be using an internal thought/speech filter by now - but just hasn't perfected yet.
IT - happened to us 7 days ago.
We were at a little grocery store by our house called 'Walt's'. In comparison - it's not the mega
In-Church Discipline - A Guide on what NOT to do.
Over-Dosing on Easter (Candy, that is....)
Well - this weekend I fell off the 'train'. I was hosting Easter, which means I would have better control in how I prepared the meals and what was available for healthy options. But - something happened. Saturday afternoon we did the Easter Egg hunt with the twins and their cousins. Nearly 300 eggs were hid in our backyard. And guess what - every one of them had some form of ingestible sugar. My self control was in complete control...until I saw THIS:
Friday, April 22, 2011
5th quarter....Name that Sexy Creeper!
Solutions for Hosting a Family Weekend Festivus – Napa Wine….and Running

Wednesday, April 20, 2011
We're not in Kansas anymore Dorothy... we're in Raymond?!?
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Five year-old girls and the bad Hannah Montana influences (us mamas) wish we could avoid....
Monday, April 18, 2011
Doctor Doctor....Give me the NEWS!
Boston Marathon Day - Oh How I Both Loathe and Respect you....

I have completed 6 marathons to date... with a PR (personal record) of 4.27.12. I have consistently TRIED to improve my time, but as you all know from THIS lovely post, 1/3 of my marathons have been cancelled due to extreme heat. Of the other four, three of them have hovered within 8 minutes of each other in my finishing time, and the other one I was preggers with twins and had to slow down the last 6-8 miles. So....lucky may be my middle name :) Anyway, TODAY - and just a few minutes ago - the 115th of the Boston Marathon began! If this is new to you - let me explain to you a little bit about Boston.
Boston is THE marathon in the world of running. Not really for the course, free giveaways, or tropical setting (which seems to be some of my personal criteria when choosing my next destination!), but the stature and glamour of actually saying 'Yes, I ran Boston'.... or 'I've just QUALIFIED for Boston'. Really, you are almost as cool to be able to qualify, as to actually make it there.
Over the course of the last year, I have started going to work about a half hour earlier to adjust my schedule a little bit. On that early train in the morning, are a husband and wife who are in THE BEST shape you could imagine. And what do they wear to work everyday you might ask?
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Gotta Give Credit Where Credit it Due (as Sawyer Brown said it back in the day!)
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Just finished the 2011 March for Babies in Grant Park, Chicago. We actually ran the 5k and WON the race/walk. The only race we ever win are the ones the others walk :) |
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Now that was a DAM good trip!
Friday, April 15, 2011
That pretty much sums it up. Early this morning I woke up before the conference to run the streets of Henderson NV. And boy....HOLY BUTTOCKS!...
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Destination Run - Vegas Style!
For the next 36 hours, I am in Vegas for the fabulous 'Structures Congress'. I know, I know - all of you structural engineers out there are completely jealous of this heavenly parfait filled with steel, concrete, timber, masonry, and wonderful sessions on seismic and gravity analysis and detailing challenges!!! Whoop....maybe not :)
Anyway, I am actually here for a series of meetings in conjunction with the conference - for this sustainability committee I am on. One of the potential activities includes a tour of hoover dam that I hope to score tickets to tomorrow night! So....sorry to disappoint any of you hoping to hear about any possible craziness for me at Tao or the Palms with Lindsay or the Kardashians :) Well....I will check back in Sunday, after the fact, if things take a spin in that direction!
Traveling for work is hard on many levels. It is wonderful to visit many places on the company dime that I normally wouldn't be able to - but it is never fun to do it alone. One time I was driving alone thru the 'badlands' of South Dakota. I had a couple hours to kill before my flight was due to leave Rapid City - and I had a rental car. I decided to drive to Mt. Rushmore. It was early April - not the busy time of the year for tourists. There was no traffic - nearly all the little towns on the way resembled ghost towns. And then - ta da- I was there!!! But - I looked around and I was alone in the car. I decided to pull over, get out, and call my husband at work. So...imagine how excited I am to share this experience with him.
The phone rings - he answers - andhe is as grouchy as an be! Some new impossible deadline from his then boss....then immediately deflated my bubble of 'national landmark bliss'. So - boo on traveling alone is my new mantra. Yes - hotel beds alone with no kids yelling or climbing in - is great! Food is also good on someone else's dime (especially when a few cocktails are involved). But, I have to admit that I really don't enjoy these escapades. Leaving my family is 'not cool' and putting this all on Chris's plate to manage everything in my absence - I truly feel guilty about.
The one true brightspot that I LOVE to brag to my other running buds and gym rats about is my running and athletic adventures when I travel.
In the past, I once rented a car while I was in Phoenix for work, and drove to Meriposa County and did a 8 mile trail run thru the desert that crossed over the dam of a lake in the state park there (the race even had scorpion and snake training to prep for the course!). Last month I biked 17 miles thru Napa while there for work. And at a bare minimum - I try to run the streets or 'sights' in every city I travel in.
I hope the next 36 hours give me that same oppototunity. I plan to enjoy the cool steel sessions, some nice merlot, get some miles under my belt under the lights of the city that never sleeps - and maybe drop a quarter in a slot machine in the airpoort before I fly home.