Well - this weekend I fell off the 'train'. I was hosting Easter, which means I would have better control in how I prepared the meals and what was available for healthy options. But - something happened. Saturday afternoon we did the Easter Egg hunt with the twins and their cousins. Nearly 300 eggs were hid in our backyard. And guess what - every one of them had some form of ingestible sugar. My self control was in complete control...until I saw THIS:
Yep....I was the parent that let my kids eat some (well....it's Easter, all kids deserve some amount of sugar on Easter), and then I tried to hide the rest. You know, "kids don't need too much sugar"..."too much chocolate will ruin their dinner"... All the normal good clauses from the parenting handbook we were handed when they were born :)
Well - does anyone know what happens to that parent that takes away and hides their kids' Easter candy? Their stomach looks like this:

I literally ate between 5 and 10 of those darn Reese's eggs yesterday....oh yeah, and a huge Ham dinner with cake for dessert. My stomach was in FULL revolt! All out war was going on at about 5:00pm. My husband had taken the kids out in their Gator to pick up sticks,

....and I was heading to bed. Tomorrow was my birthday and he wanted to go out to dinner....an early celebration of just us four after the crew of 20+ for the weekend festivities had finally departed. But, I couldn't. My stomach ached....my head hurt....and I felt like I was going to get sick. Seriously - how can I have four months of ultimate self control to only be sucked into the dark side on Easter to where it nearly completely incapacitates me? Wow....all I can say is Damn You Reese's!
All in all the weekend was great. I've recuperated today and have decided to step away today from what must be some form of coke-laced Reese's Eggs. We will go out to dinner tonight to celebrate the 3rd anniversary of my 29th birthday - back on the saddle and with no Easter Candy in sight. Work people - you know who you are -I plan to bring baskets of candy into work to help dispose of it. I have nothing else to say, except - good luck saying no...because Reese's Crack Kills :)
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