I am on the train home tonight….working downtown on a Friday – something I try to avoid like the plague – trying to get home by 6pm on Good Friday to then discover at my train station that my 5:05 was cancelled. Evidently the entire city, besides me, evacuated by 3pm. Then the train conductor turns to me and said ‘Why didn’t you?’ Yeah, I know….I wish! Today was one of those days at work where I really LOVE my job. The reason I worked downtown on a Friday is that we had a think tank sort of meeting today – for 4 hours! It was a meeting we do once a year to collaborate, toss out ideas, deconstruct what we have been doing – all in the benefit of the magazine we publish on a monthly basis. It’s a great group of VPs and managers who can share and playfully argue over important items. We also all have the same heart felt passion for what we do - and who we represent daily. So, all in all, it was one of those ‘great days’ at work where I wasn’t trying to sneak out early – but I was actually thriving in it and soaking it up. Some days when I sulk around about not staying home with my kids to do this ‘full time work gig’….I try and remember days like today which makes it all worth it. Seriously – days like today help me forget those ‘I’d be a better mom if I didn’t’ work’ omens for at least a couple months!
So….getting home to prepare for Easter wasn’t on my priority list today. It probably should have been. I am now on a later train than I planned and I will be hosting 20 mouths to feed all weekend! ARGGGHHH! I haven’t shopped yet. My house is semi-trashed. I have piles of laundry that would love to get into some drawers (yes….at least they are clean). Seriously, I’m venturing to Jewel Osco tonight at 6:30 – to buy a ham, the trimmings, lunch meat, desserts, breakfast….enough food for 5 meals for 20 people. I know what I want, which isn’t a problem – but doing it IS the problem. My friend told me to order Peapod earlier this week. I reassured her I was going to buy everything Wednesday and it would be fine. Damn Amy – you were right! Now I’ll get to enjoy the wonderful evening of other people in over their heads like me – in the store the night before they need to feed an army of people – with a shortage of over priced hams.
Wait – it gets better. Tomorrow morning is T-Ball – all morning. Pictures, Practice, Parade….the 3Ps! Oh yeah, it’ll probably rain on us…great! THEN, we’re getting family pictures at 4:30 at the park – 17 of us. So far the forecast looks semi-clear….we’ll see if we actually score and get to take our picture in the 20 minute window of no rain in the last 10 days solid.
To handle this, I’ve added a few more items to my shopping list. Liquor, more liquor, and more time for running. As I’ve mentioned before, running is my cure all for all the craziness and stressors in my life. If things feel too busy - that they might actually implode….I start to carve out more time for running. So, I plan to run….and then when the going gets tough, I plan to tap into some of my new lovely Napa wine. Running and Napa wine – if that doesn’t scream ‘Successful Hosting of your In-Laws for an Easter Get-together’, I don’t know what does!
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