I also can't imagine how slow computer servers will be in offices worldwide when the ONLY ones who actually do come to work, decide to stream it live via the web. Our I.T. staff freaks out here when a couple of people stream Hulu and Pandora and it slows down everything. Tomorrow, my best guess is that of our in-house staff of ~50, about 50% are women....and at least 50% of them will want to watch it live, some part during the day. Has anyone thought that this could be so detrimental to our longevity of our servers - AKA not breaking them - that maybe we should all just go in the conference room and watch it on the big screen as a group - and heck, just call it a day? I'm not advocating slacking on the company dime, but I do anticipate most people (at least women) streaming their own connection from their desk. This just avoids the crash of the entire network that may inevitably happen by mid afternoon. Why they're at it in saving some of the many I.T. bills later on on due to fixing a crashed server, they could use some of that saved money to buy tea and scones for the staff! Solution!
(Disclaimer: I know really NOTHING about I.T. equipment....these are my ignorant comments on a topic I know little about....but still have a pretty strong opinion on!)
Well, I won't be there. I'm working remote tomorrow - aka....from 'mi casa'. I will have the benefit of only ME being there and being able to simulcast the nuptials in the background as I diligently promote steel feverishly as I do daily :). Without slowing down any network server....since I have good ole' Comcast at the house with just ME on it. But wait, has Comcast thought about this? Will they guarantee me great Internet connectivity tomorrow? I'm guessing - NADA.
Anyway, back to the 4AM predicament. I really want to get up and watch it. I mean really. I remember Fergie's wedding....and waking up early to watch Princess Di's funeral in college. I even remember seeing Princess Di's wedding replayed when I was very young and loved watching it. I think every little girl dreams of growing up to be a princess....I know Madyson does....and seeing it in reality is really quite remarkable. Forget all the BS about royalty serving no purpose and it wasting countless tax payer dollars. I know, understand, and agree with all of that. But maybe it's the escape we all need - the world needs. The escape away from the recession, unemployment, natural disasters, and a crappy rainy Spring. Something the whole world can do to think things aren't really that bad. Really.
Also, I really feel that they are in love. Fergie and Di's weddings ended in divorce, but I find myself continually rooting for this couple. I always felt Prince Charles had hand picked Di and told her she would marry him - and she was a puppet for him as they were married. It always looked strange and uncomfortable - and that she always needed to just escape. I don't see that with Kate....and that also captivates me. I really want to see this marriage succeed, and make it. For the most part, I think many others are watching it as a 'vote for happiness'.... true happiness. I don't think we see that very often in today's society. Definitely not in the celebrity couples here in the States.
Well, tomorrow is kinda a big day for me on other fronts. I have to drive late afternoon to Champaign for the Illinois Marathon weekend that I am not 100% prepared for. I have a 5k to run that evening, and a half marathon to run 12 hours later on Saturday morning. Sleep should be sacred right now, but gosh darn - IT'S A ROYAL WEDDING and I DON'T have a DVR!
I could just watch it at 7am, or just watch it replayed a thousand times over the upcoming weeks and months, but well - it's not the same. So, tonight I'll keep thinking about it....wondering, weighing my options. Maybe I'll just head to bed at 8pm to wake at 4 full rested?. I don't know, but either way, it should be fabulous - as long as the Internet streaming doesn't crash our world networks and financial systems in the process.
If it does....I told you so. If not....refer to my early comment (I know nothing about computers and I.T.)
Last question - what channel/website are you watching it on? In the event the Internet does NOT let us down? :)
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